Displaying 31 - 60 of 172 in total

Using Isoniazid More Safely and More Effectively in Tuberculosis Treatment

Dr. John Fleetham chats with Dr. Paolo Denti, Dr. Elisa Ignatius, Dr. Jason Andrews, and Dr. Neil Schluger about two papers and an editorial published in AJRCCM discus...

Multi-night Prevalence, Variability, and Diagnostic Misclassification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Dr. Danny Eckert to discuss their article "Multi-night Prevalence, Variability, and Diagnostic Misclassification of Obstructive Sleep...

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin MZ Heterozygosity is an Endotype of COPD

Dr. Maor Sauler sits down with Drs. Craig P. Hersh and Auyon J. Ghosh to discuss their article "Alpha-1 Antitrypsin MZ Heterozygosity is an Endotype of Chronic Obstruc...

Latent Class Analysis in COVID-19

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Pratik Sinha to discuss their article "Latent Class Analysis Reveals COVID-19–related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Subgrou...

Effect of Esophageal Pressure-Guided Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on Survival from ARDS

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with with Dr. Todd Sarge to discuss their article, "Effect of Esophageal Pressure-Guided Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on Survival from...

Association Between PAP Device Manufacturer and Incident Cancer?: A Secondary Data Analysis

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Drs. Robert Owens and Tetyana Kendzerska to discuss the findings of the paper "An Association Between Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) D...

Association between Troponin I Levels during Sepsis and Postsepsis Cardiovascular Complications

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Drs. Michael Garcia and Justin Rucci to discuss the findings of their paper "Association between Troponin I Levels during Sepsis and ...

Obesity-related IL-18 Impairs Treg Function and Promotes Lung Ischemia-reperfusion Injury

Dr. Maor Sauler is joined by Drs. Tatiana Akimova and Wayne Hancock to discuss their article "Obesity-related IL-18 Impairs Treg Function and Promotes Lung Ischemia-re...

Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Arrhythmia in Atrial Fibrillation and Sleep Apnea

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Dr. Gunn Marit Traaen to discuss the findings of her article "Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Arrhythmia in Atrial Fi...

Opioid Use Increases the Risk of Delirium in Critically Ill Adults Independently of Pain

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. John Devlin to discuss the article "Opioid Use Increases the Risk of Delirium in Critically Ill Adults Independently of Pain".

Effectiveness of Protective Ventilation Strategies for Moderate and Severe ARDS

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Sachin Sud to discuss the article "Comparative Effectiveness of Protective Ventilation Strategies for Moderate and Severe Acute R...

Antigen-Specific T Cell Activation Distinguishes Between Recent and Remote TB Infection

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Drs. Elisa Nemes and Patricio Escalante to discuss the article "Antigen-specific T Cell Activation Distinguishes Between Recent and Re...

Lung Ultrasound to Monitor Extremely Preterm Infants and Predict BPD

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Daniele De Luca to discuss the article "Lung Ultrasound to Monitor Extremely Preterm Infants and Predict BPD: Multicenter Longitu...

Tidal Volume and Respiratory Compliance in ARDS

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Ewan Goligher to discuss the article "Effect of Lowering Tidal Volume on Mortality in ARDS Varies with Respiratory System Elastan...

Viral Dispersion Associated with Respiratory Support Devices in a Simulated Critical Care Environment

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Hamza Mbareche to discuss the article "Quantitative Assessment of Viral Dispersion Associated with Respiratory Support Devices in...

CPAP Restores Declarative Memory Deficit in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Drs. Andrew Varga and Ina Djonlagic to discuss the article "CPAP Restores Declarative Memory Deficit in Obstructive Sleep Apnea".

COVID-19 and the AJRCCM: A Year in Review

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with AJRCCM editor Dr. Sanjay H. Chotirmall to discuss some of the most impactful COVID papers published in the AJRCCM over the past year ...

Best of the Blue in 2020

Join our podcast editors Drs. John Fleetham, Maor Sauler, and Michael Lanspa as they discuss episodes and topics of note from the year 2020!

ATS Guideline on Home Oxygen Therapy for Adults with Chronic Lung Disease

Dr. John Fleetham discusses the recommendations found in the ATS Guideline on Home Oxygen Therapy for Adults with Chronic Lung Disease with Drs. Jerry Krishnan and Ann...

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-Associated Lung Edema (CRALE)

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Aurora Magliocca to discuss their article "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-Associated Lung Edema (CRALE) - A Translational Study".

ATS Guideline on Long-Term Noninvasive Ventilation in Chronic Stable Hypercapnic COPD

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Dr. Robert Owens to discuss the Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline on Long-Term Noninvasive Ventilation in...

Tissue Doppler Imaging of the Diaphragm in Healthy Subjects and Critically Ill Patients

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Eleni Soilemezi to discuss her article "Tissue Doppler Imaging of the Diaphragm in Healthy Subjects and Critically Ill Patients".

Use of Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid, and Thiamine in Adults with Septic Shock

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Emily Vail to discuss the article "Use of Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid, and Thiamine in Adults with Septic Shock".

Nanoparticle Delivery of Proangiogenic Transcription Factors into the Neonatal Circulation Inhibits Alveolar Simplification Caused by Hyperoxia

Dr. Maor Sauler is joined by Drs. Kalinichenko, Greenberg, and Jobe to discuss their article "Nanoparticle Delivery of Proangiogenic Transcription Factors into the Neo...

Relative Hypotension and Adverse Kidney-Related Outcomes Among Critically Ill Patients with Shock

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Rakshit Panwar to discuss his paper “Relative Hypotension and Adverse Kidney-related Outcomes Among Critically Ill Patients with ...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Presents an Opportunity to Reassess the Value of Polysomnography

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Drs. Sanjay Patel, Lucas Donovan, Atul Malholtra, and Najib Ayas to discuss their papers on reassessing polysomnography.

Hyperoxia Injury in the Developing Lung Is Mediated by Mesenchymal Expression of Wnt5A

Dr. Maor Sauler sits down with Drs. Sucre, Königshoff, and Al-Alam to discuss the paper "Hyperoxia Injury in the Developing Lung Is Mediated by Mesenchymal Expression ...

Association of Pre-Morbid Blood Pressure with Vasopressor Infusion Duration in Patients with Shock

Dr. Michael Lanspa sits down with Dr. Hayley Gershengorn to discuss the article “Association of Pre-Morbid Blood Pressure with Vasopressor Infusion Duration in Patient...

Reduction in All-Cause Mortality with Fluticasone (FF/UMEC/VI) in COPD Patients

Dr. John Fleetham sits down with Drs. David Lipson and Jorgen Vestbo to discuss the article "Reduction in All-Cause Mortality with Fluticasone Furoate/Umeclidinium/Vil...

Clinical Features of 85 Fatal Cases of COVID-19

Dr. John Fleetham is joined by Dr. Christopher Chang to discuss the article “Clinical Features of 85 Fatal Cases of COVID-19 from Wuhan: A Retrospective Observational ...

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